Spend The Day At Biedenharn Museum & Gardens

Botanical gardens.

Botanical gardens.

If you’re looking for a mini adventure, then stop by the Biedenharn Museum & Gardens which is filled with antiques and artifacts of all shapes and sizes.

What Is the Biedenharn Museum & Gardens?

The Biedenharn Museum & Gardens is the historic home of the formal English gardens, historic Biedenharn home, Bible Museum, and Coca-Cola Museum. It has regularly scheduled exhibits and events at the museum complex, and is considered more than an attraction.

Historic Biedenharn Home

Joseph A Biedenharn built his home in Monroe, Louisiana, in 1914. He was known as the first man to bottle Coca-Cola. His daughter Emy-Lou Biedenharn contributions to the home are seen all throughout the grounds with each room in the house being adorned with stunning furnishing and accessories.

Coke Museum

If you’re a Coca-Cola enthusiast, then this museum is right up your alley. You’ll hear the story of the man who bottled the first Coca-Cola, walk through two exhibit rooms of Coca-Cola memorabilia, and witness how the original bottling process worked. You can get an up close look at a replica soda fountain and be fully immersed in the nostalgic atmosphere.

Bible Museum

Emy-Lou Biedenharn began her Bible collection after being inspired by the 1854 facsimile of the Wycliffe Bible. Her collection contains several historical Bibles that are considered rare and shows how the Bible and the biblical literature contributed to the Western Civilization. This exhibit also features Russian Icons from the Daniel R. Bibb collection.

ELSong Gardens

The ELSong gardens are named after Emy-Lou Biedenharn. It’s a beautifully walled English garden that Emy-Lou Biedenharn created after her successful vocal career in Europe. It has a number of thematic settings, a stunning fountain, and several thousand plants. In the Conservatory you’ll find it’s patterned after fine English glasshouses and is where thousands of semi-tropical and tropical specimens call home.

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Enjoy A Day At The Museum

This is both an entertaining and education museum. Don’t miss the opportunity to try a bottle of Coca-Cola from an original five-cent soda vending machine, be immersed in the breathtaking gardens while you listen to background music, and connect with Biedenharn and his daughter as you tour their home.

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